Have You Considered Making a New Year’s Resolution for Social Media?

Have you considered making a New Year’s resolution for social media? We all know that the New Year is a time when people look for a fresh start and put what happened the past year behind them. We make New Year’s resolutions and try to form better habits. It is all about becoming a better version of yourself and helping build a good brand for yourself. Since social media has become such a big part of our lives, making New Year’s resolutions for social media could be very beneficial.
You know that cringey dancing video you posted on Facebook when you were 12? Or that tweet you liked when you were intoxicated? Those moments do not just go away. Instead they live forever on social media and can come back to hurt you in the future. These harmful posts can take that clean slate that you wanted and smear permanent markers all over it. They could even cost you your dream job, or even worse… your grandmother can get a hold of one of those videos and put it on her Facebook for her friends to see.
The digital age has brought new struggles to the forefront when it comes to getting a job and building a professional brand. Companies have gotten stricter about their employees’ social media presence and the surveillance of employees’ profiles is drastically increasing. Corporations are constantly trying to cover themselves from scandals because the whole point of a business is to make money and if there is a controversy it can cause them to lose money.
The New Year is here and having a clean social media account is a good new year’s resolution to make. It can not only make yourself look better now but it can also help you down the line. You might be thinking how can I clean my social media and make sure all the harmful posts are gone? Do not worry, we can help as your clean-up crew. Use LifeBrand’s free cleaning below to make sure that your social media accounts are clear of harmful content. Start the New Year with a clean slate and clean social media profiles.