Holiday Party Do’s and Dont’s.

Planning to attend a holiday party or two this year? Maybe posting that festive party picture of you wasted off of Eggnog with the caption, “Let’s get elfed up,” isn’t the best idea…
It’s that time of year where holiday parties almost become routine during the entire month of December and then finishing off with a New Years banger. Holiday parties are a great way to unwind, reconnect with family and friends, and celebrate traditions created back in the beginning of time. As much fun as holiday parties can be, it just takes one party foul on social media to ruin things. So how can you survive the holiday party season? We’ve got some advice…
Holiday Party Do’S
- DO go to parties for family and friends.
- DO dress up in festive attire or maybe even costumes
- DO eat a wide variety of festive foods and try some festive drinks like Eggnog and Irish Coffee if you’re of age!
- DO get others presents.
- DO take pictures with your loved ones.
Holiday Party Don’ts
- Do NOT post anything on social media that can be considered:
- Discriminatory
- Inappropriate
- Religiously offensive
- Derogatory
- Overly provocative
You should also generally avoid posting anything ethnically, politically, or sexually related.
- Do NOT be a Grinch.
- Holidays are important to a lot of people, and maybe it’s not your cup of tea, but don’t spoil the joy of others. Go see family and friends if you’re feeling healthy.
- Do NOT get overly drunk and make a fool of yourself.
- Do NOT drink any alcoholic beverages if you are not of legal drinking age. If you want to have festive drinks like Eggnog, there are a variety of non-alcoholic options.
Why does it matter what I post on social media?
One potentially harmful post could hurt your social media reputation and dampen your academic or professional pursuits.
Social media checks are a routine part of the hiring process. And if you already have a job, current employees have been known to view their employees’ social media profiles as well. Even if you think your profiles are safe because you have them set as private, it does not mean that those who follow you can’t show others your profiles, including your superiors. Screenshots are also another way for your posts to exist and spread around.
What if I may have posted something bad on social media during a holiday party?
Don’t worry! Whether it was a holiday-related post or not, there is new technology that can help protect your social media reputation. LifeBrand has safe and easy to use technology that will flag questionable social media content. You can then choose to delete, edit, or ignore those posts. It is a quick and protective solution to removing questionable social media content from your profiles. With LifeBrand, you can make sure you and your loved ones are safe from being on the naughty list.

Wrap Up
Holiday parties are a fantastic opportunity to celebrate traditions and another year spent with loved ones. LifeBrand is the solution to making sure any holiday party related social media posts are safe to put online. This alleviates any additional stress and encourages more time to be spent with your loved ones. Creating an account is easy, click here to get started.