Why Young Professionals and Corporate Brands Are Flocking to LifeBrand

As LifeBrand has embarked on this journey to become the world leader in social media detection, prevention and education, we are often asked what does that mean? What is LifeBrand?
We at LifeBrand wrote this blog to help our community have a better understanding what LifeBrand is and how we can help protect individuals, business and brand’s alike.
LifeBrand has created a revolutionary AI based technology that allows people to easily detect, locate and delete posts and/or comments from past social media interactions. By using LifeBrand’s technology one can scrub Facebook, Instagram and Twitter from the inception of account creation and detect anything that might be considered negative or unflattering.
As we progress through life, we all go through changes. Our behaviors change, our goals change, our friends change. Things that you may have posted five or ten years ago most likely does not reflect an accurate depiction of who you are today. Unfortunately, with the birth of social media came the birth of an open book of one’s lifestyle and behaviors. The things you posted years ago do not just go away, they live in the basement of your social media accounts for all the world to see. There are numerous examples of employees, celebrities and athletes who have lost out on job opportunities or future contracts because of something that was living in their social media basement.
Now more than ever companies/brands are wanting to protect themselves and their brand. Rightfully so, they will dive into potential employee’s social media behavior to get a barometer on who they are before making a decision if they want that individual representing their company/brand.
We at LifeBrand have built a solution that provides protection for both the individual and company brands. Our AI based technology provides the ability for individuals to scan their social media accounts and detect and delete anything that might be considered negative from their past. In addition, LifeBrand is working with employers to ensure that current and potential employees are representing their brand in a manner in which they deem appropriate.