Your Social Media Reputation Is Always On Full Display

Halloween is the one day a year that we get to dress up and be whoever we want. We can dress up as princesses, superheroes, or even our favorite horror movie villains, free to express our creativity without question. Or can we? Although Halloween grants us the opportunity to wear a mask, our social media reputation is always on full display.
People should have fun and be festive, while keeping their costume choices positive and socially acceptable. It’s important to remember that if your costume is considered “questionable” and it ends up on social media, you could hurt your social media reputation and dampen your academic or professional pursuits.
What is questionable?
If your costume falls into one of the following categories, it may be time to rethink your selection…
- Discriminatory
- Inappropriate
- Religiously offensive
- Derogatory
- Overly provocative
You should also generally avoid dressing up as anything ethnic, political, or sexual.
How can employers see my Halloween posts on social media?
Social media checks are a routine part of the hiring process. And if you already have a job, current employees have been known to view their employees’ social media profiles as well. Even if you think your profiles are safe because you have them set as private, it does not mean that those who follow you can’t show others your profiles, including your superiors. Screenshots are also another way for your posts to exist and spread around.
What if I may have posted something questionable in the past?
Don’t worry! There is new technology that can help protect your social media reputation. LifeBrand has safe and easy to use technology that will flag questionable social media content. You can then choose to delete, edit, or ignore those posts. It is a quick and protective solution to removing questionable social media content from your profiles. With LifeBrand, you can be confident in your social media reputation and celebrate Halloween without leaving any skeletons in the closet.
Safeguard your social media reputation. Try a free scan today!